-- A paste made from one teaspoon each of Sandalwood powder and Turmeric mixed with milk is the best method to treat Pimples.
-- One of the best and certainly a very effective product to eliminate pimples is garlic. Garlic contains antibiotic properties that are proven safe and effective in treating pimples as well as acne. To use it: get whole garlic, mash it and apply it on the face with extra caution on the area rear the eyes. Let the garlic take effect for 10-15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm cloth.
-- Blend raw papaya fruit to create a juice. This includes the seed and the skin. Apply it on swelling pimples.
-- Combine 1 part of rose water to 1 part of lime juice and apply it in the pimples. Leave it for about 20-30 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
-- For additional protection from the formation of blackheads, combine 1 part fresh lime juice with 1 part groundnut oil. Apply the mixture to your face.
-- Mint juice when applied on every evening can treat pimples as well. It also effective in treating scabies, insect stings, skin infections, and eczema.
-- To prevent pimples, apply on the face mixture of fresh fenugreek leaves and water. Wash it on the next day with warm water.
-- Combine ground sesame seeds paste with water. Apply it on the affected area. It is also effective in treating skin rashes and allergies.
-- Combine 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply it to the affected area.
-- Mixing grind nutmeg with milk will work to remove pimples instantly.
-- A powdered pomgranate skin & roasted paste mixed with lime juice can treat pimples effectively. This mixture could also treat whiteheads, blackheads, and boils.
-- Apply on the affected area for at least 1 hour the pulp of ripe tomatoes. Wash it off with water.
-- Ground radish seeds formed into paste and mixed with water remove blackheads.